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The pingctl Utility

pingctl is our general DevOps command-line utility.

Deprecated file name

The deprecated ping-devops utility used a configuration file located at ~/.pingidentity/devops. pingctl, however, uses ~/.pingidentity/config. While the files generated are compatible, be aware that some older utilities or documentation might refer to the older configuration name.

Dependent Utilities

To perform all of its operations, pingctl has a dependency on the following utilities:

  • openssl
  • base64
  • kubectl
  • envsubst
  • jq
  • jwt

Installation and Upgrades

Using Homebrew to install pingctl on MacOS, Windows via Windows Subsystem for Linux, or Linux.

  1. To install, enter:

    brew install pingidentity/tap/pingctl
  2. To upgrade, enter:

    brew upgrade pingidentity/tap/pingctl
  3. To check for upgrades, run the following command.

    Check regularly

    Check for upgrades regularly.

    pingctl version

    The dependent utilities for pingctl are also installed or upgraded during this process.

Using sh to install pingctl on Linux and WSL.

  1. To install or upgrade, enter:

    curl -sL | sh

  2. Ensure you have the dependent utilities for pingctl installed.


pingctl <command> [options]

Available Commands:
    info            Print pingctl config
    config          Manage pingctl config
    version         Version Details and Check
    clean           Remove ~/.pingidentity/pingctl

    kubernetes      Kubernetes Tools
    license         Ping Identity Licensing Tools
    pingone         PingOne Tools

Use pingctl for info on available commands.

Use pingctl <command> for info on a specific command.



Provide usage details.

Available Commands

  • kubernetes
  • license
  • pingone
  • info

    Provides a summary of variables defined with pingctl.

  • config

    Provides an interactive process in which the user can provide all the pingctl standard variables (i.e. PingOne and Ping DevOps) as well as custom variables

  • version

    Displays the current version of the tool, and checks to see if an update is available.

  • clean

    Cleans the cached pingctl work directory containing the latest PingOne Access Token