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Operating Patterns

This page discusses how to have a successful first day and beyond.

After you are comfortable with the deployment examples in the getting-started repository, you can shift your focus to managing ongoing operations of the products that are relevant to you. Since it is not feasible to cover every operating scenario, this section will focus on guidance to identify an operating pattern suitable for your organization.

The PingFederate application is used as an example of performing this assessment with some example patterns.

PingFederate Configuration Management

PingFederate has a variety of operating patterns. These patterns typically involve a trade-off between ease of implementation and mitigation of deployment risks.

To simplify the moving parts, PingFederate configuration can be categorized into three patterns:

1) Infrastructure Configuration

Examples of managed components:

  • Resource allocation (CPU/Memory/Storage)
  • Client Ingress (Access and Hostnames)
  • Image Version
  • Exposed Ports
  • Environment Variable Definitions
  • Secrets Definitions


2) Server Configuration

This pattern can be oversimplified to everything outside of the /instance/server/default/data folder or /instance/bulk-config/data.json.

Examples of managed components:

  • *.properties files
  • Integration Kits
  • HTML templates
  • log formatting (log4j2.xml)


These items are stored in the Server Profile and any change should trigger an update. It is up to the implementer to ensure that happens. Triggering an update can be done by adding a non-functional variable in values.yaml to track the current profile "version". Example: SERVER_PROFILE_VERSION: v1.1

3) Application Configuration (App Config)

This pattern can be oversimplified to the /instance/server/default/data folder or /instance/bulk-config/data.json.

Managed components

This category is the core PingFederate configuration. This pattern incorporates changes that are typically made through the UI or Admin APIs.


Depending on your operating pattern, changes here may be delivered through a rolling update or by configuration replication.

PingFederate Data Mount

In the most common pattern, a user would attach a persistent volume (PV) to /opt/out/instance/server/default/data only on the PingFederate Admin Console.

This model is intended to be used when PingFederate Administrators need to deliver configuration through the UI in each environment, including production. Another reason for this use case may be if SP connections are allowed to be created by app developers using the Admin API. In both of these scenarios, the defining factor is that there are mutations in the production Admin console that are not being tracked in any other way, such as through source control, and therefore must be persisted.

Attributes of this pattern:

  • App Config is persisted in each SDLC environment (e.g. Dev, QA, Prod)
  • App Config promotion is done manually or via the Admin API
  • App Config is replicated from Admin Console to Engines
  • Server Config is maintained and delivered via the server profile
  • Server profile does not include App Config
  • Server profile must not have instance/bulk-config/data.json or /instance/server/default/data
  • Backups are taken regularly to provide recovery in case of PV loss or corruption

Data Mount Helm Example

Helm values relevant to this configuration may look like:

  enabled: true
    replicaCount: 1
    SERVER_PROFILE_URL: <insert your server profile URL here>
    SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: <insert your server profile path here>
    SERVER_PROFILE_VERSION: <server profile version>
    type: StatefulSet
        enabled: true
            ## NOTE THIS PVC DEFINITION ##
            mountPath: /opt/out/instance/server/default/data
              - ReadWriteOnce
                  storage: 8Gi

  enabled: true
    SERVER_PROFILE_URL: <insert your server profile URL here>
    SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: <insert your server profile path here>
    SERVER_PROFILE_VERSION: <server profile version>
    replicaCount: 3
    type: Deployment
        type: RollingUpdate
          maxSurge: 1
          maxUnavailable: 0

The key aspect here is pingfederate-admin.workload.statefulset.persistentvolume.volumes.out-dir.mountPath=/opt/out/instance/server/default/data. This location is where all UI configuration (App Config) is stored as files. As this location is the mountPath, PingFederate administrators have the freedom to deliver any files not used in /opt/out/instance/server/default/data via a Server Profile.

For example, adding a new IDP adapter requires a restart of the service in order for the adapter to be identified and available to App Config. The steps in this case would be:

  1. Add the adapter at <server profile URL>/<server profile path>/pingfederate/instance/server/default/deploy/idp-adapter-name-1.jar
  2. Update SERVER_PROFILE_VERSION: <current version> -> SERVER_PROFILE_VERSION: <new version> on both the admin and engine deployments (for example, v1.1 -> v1.2)
  3. Run helm upgrade --install myping pingidentity/ping-devops -f /path/to/values.yaml

If the release already exists, the variable change signifies that the definition has mutated, and therefore must be redeployed. The admin pod will be deleted and recreated while the engines will surge and roll one by one.

Reference links:

Data Mount Pros and Cons

Values with this approach

  • Managing App Config is more familiar to PingFederate administrators with traditional experience
  • Fewer parts to consider when building a CI/CD pipeline because there is no configuration export and templating needed
  • Ability to have configurations different in each environment

Cautions with this approach

  • There is more room for user configuration error and possible outages because configurations are not promoted with automated testing