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Any configuration that is deployed with one of our product containers can be considered a "server profile". A profile typically looks like a set of files.

You can use profiles in these ways:

  • Pull at startup.
  • Build into the image.
  • Mount as a container volume.

Pull at startup

Pass a Github-based URL and path as environment variables that point to a server profile.


  • Easily sharable, inherently source-controlled


  • Adds download time at container startup

For profiles pulled at startup, the image uses the following variables to clone the repo at startup and pull the profile into the container:

  • SERVER_PROFILE_URL - The git URL with the server profile.
  • SERVER_PROFILE_PATH - The location from the base of the URL with the specific server profile. This allows for several products server profile to be housed in the same git repo.
  • SERVER_PROFILE_BRANCH (optional) - If other than the default branch (usually master or main), allows for specifying a different branch. Example might be a user's development branch before merging into master.

Although there is additional customizable functionality, this is the most common way that profiles are provided to containers because it is easy to provide a known starting state as well as track changes over time. For more information, see Private Github Repos.

Build into the image

Build your own image from one of our Docker images and copy the profile files in.


  • No download at startup, and no egress required


  • Tedious to build images when making iterative changes

Building a profile into the image is useful when you have no access to the Github repository or if you're often spinning containers up and down.

For example, if you made a Dockerfile at this location:, the relevant entries might look similar to this:

FROM: pingidentity/pingfederate:edge
COPY pingfederate/. /opt/in/.

Mount as a Docker volume

Using docker-compose you can bind-mount a host file system location to a location in the container.


  • Most iterative. There's no download time, and you can see the file system while you are working in the container.


  • There's no great way to do this in Kubernetes or other platform orchestration tools.

Mount the profile as a Docker volume when you're developing a server profile and you want to be able to quickly make changes to the profile and spin up a container against it.

For example, if you have a profile in same directory as your docker-compose.yaml file, you can add a bind-mount volume to /opt/in like this:

   - ./pingfederate:/opt/in