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Getting started

Examples Not Working

Many common errors using Ping containers arise from using stale images. Our development is highly dynamic and Docker images can rapidly change.

To avoid issues with stale images, remove all local images from your local cache. Doing so will force Docker to pull the latest images:

docker rmi $(docker images "pingidentity/*" -q)

Moving tag

Even though you might have a local image tagged "latest", this tag does not guarantee it is the newest image in the Docker hub registry. This tag is reapplied for each release image.

Misconfigured pingctl

If your containers cannot pull a license based on your DevOps user name and key, there might be some misconfiguration in your pingctl config file.

Possible solutions:

  1. If you have ran pingctl config for the first time, see the Environment Configuration Documentation on how to export configured variables to your environment.

  2. Run pingctl info and make sure the configured variables in the utility are correct. See the utility's documentation for more information.

Unable To Retrieve Evaluation License

If a product instance or instances cannot retrieve the evaluation license, you might receive an error similar to this:

----- Starting hook: /opt/staging/hooks/
Pulling evaluation license from Ping Identity for:
              Prod License: PD - v7.3
              DevOps User:
Unable to download evaluation product.lic (000), most likely due to invalid PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_USER/PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY

############################        ALERT        #################################
# No Ping Identity License File (PingDirectory.lic) was found in the server profile.
# No Ping Identity DevOps User or Key was passed.
# More info on obtaining your DevOps User and Key can be found at:
CONTAINER FAILURE: License File absent

This error can be caused by:

  1. An invalid DevOps user name or key (as noted in the error). This failure is usually caused by some issue with the variables being passed in. To verify the variables in the pingctl configuration are correct for running Docker commands, run the following command:

    pingctl info
  2. A bad Docker image. Pull the Docker image again to verify.

  3. Network connectivity to the license server is blocked. To test this, on the machine that is running the container, run:

    curl -k

    If the license server is reachable, you will receive an error similar to this example:

    { "error":"missing devops-user header" }