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Using Your Devops User and Key

When starting one of our containers, the container attempts to find the DevOps registration information first in the DevOps property file located in ~/.pingidentity/config. This property file was created when you set up the DevOps environment (see Get Started. If the DevOps registration information isn't found there, the container checks for environment variables assigned in the docker run command for standalone containers or in the YAML file for a stack.

Display Your Devops Information

To display your current DevOps environment information, run the pingctl info command.

For Kubernetes and Helm

Our Kubernetes and Helm examples by default will look for a Kubernetes secret named devops-secret.

You must create a Kubernetes secret that contains the environment variables PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_USER and PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY.

  1. If you don't already know your DevOps credentials, display these using the following DevOps command.

    pingctl info
  2. Generate the Kubernetes secret from your DevOps credentials:

Choose from:

  • Use the pingctl utility.

    pingctl k8s generate devops-secret | kubectl apply -f -
  • Generate the secret manually.

 kubectl create secret generic devops-secret \

For Standalone Docker Containers

When using the docker run command to start a container, you can assign the --env-file argument to the file containing your DevOps registration information, as in the following example.

docker run \
  --name pingdirectory \
  --publish 1389:1389 \
  --publish 8443:1443 \
  --detach \
  --env SERVER_PROFILE_PATH=getting-started/pingdirectory \
  --env-file ~/.pingidentity/config \

For Stacks

When deploying a stack, you can use either of the following methods to assign the location of the file containing your DevOps registration information:

  • The env_file configuration option
  • The DevOps environment variables

Pass as Env File

Add the env_file configuration option to the YAML file for the stack. The env_file configuration option passes environment variable definitions into the container, as in the following example.

    image: pingidentity/pingdirectory
    - ${HOME}/.pingidentity/config
    - SERVER_PROFILE_PATH=getting-started/pingdirectory

Pass as Env Variables

Add the PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_USER and PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY DevOps environment variables to the YAML file for the stack, as in the following example.

    image: pingidentity/pingdirectory
      - SERVER_PROFILE_PATH=getting-started/pingdirectory
      - PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY=e9bd26ac-17e9-4133-a981-d7a7509314b2