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In order to use our resources, you will need the following components, software, or other information.

Product license

You must have a product license to run our images. You may either use an evaluation license or existing license.

Evaluation License

Generate an evaluation license obtained with a valid DevOps user key.

When you register for Ping Identity's DevOps program, you are issued credentials that automate the process of retrieving an evaluation product license.

DevOps User and Key

For more information about using your DevOps program user and key in various ways (including Kubernetes and with stand-alone containers) see this how-to guide: Using Your Devops User and Key

Evaluation License

Evaluation licenses are short-lived (30 days) and must not be used in production deployments.

Evaluation licenses can only be used with images published in the last 90 days. If you want to continue to use an image that was published more than 90 days ago, you must obtain a product license.

Existing License

If you possess a product license for the product, you can use it with supported versions of the image (including those over 90 days old mentioned above) by following these instructions to mount the product license.

Mount paths

The mount points and name of the license file vary by product. The link above provides the proper location and name for these files.

Local runtime environment

The initial example uses Kubernetes under Docker Desktop because it does not require a lot of configuration.

In order to try Ping products in a manner most similar to typical production installations, you should consider using a Kubernetes environment. Kind (Kubernetes in Docker) provides a platform to get started with local Kubernetes development. Instructions for setting up a Kind cluster are here.

Other local Kubernetes environments include Rancher Desktop, Docker Desktop with Kubernetes enabled, and minikube.

Rancher Desktop

Rancher Desktop is compatible with Linux, MacOS, and Windows (using WSL). It also supports the docker container runtime, which provides support for running docker commands without installing individual docker components or Docker Desktop.

For running Docker Compose deployments of single products, any Docker Desktop installation or Linux system with Docker and docker compose installed can be used.

Applications / Utilities

  • Helm cli
  • kubectl
  • Homebrew for package installation and management. Homebrew can be used to install k9s, kubectl, helm, and other programs.
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • pingctl
    brew install pingidentity/tap/pingctl
  • k9s
    brew install derailed/k9s/k9s
  • kubectx
    brew install kubectx
  • docker-compose

    brew install docker-compose


    Installing docker-compose is only necessary to deploy Docker containers when using Docker with Rancher Desktop. It is included with the Docker Desktop installation.

    See Rancher preferences to switch from containerd to dockerd (moby).

Configure the Environment

  1. Open a terminal and create a local DevOps directory named ${HOME}/projects/devops.


    ${HOME}/projects/devops is the parent directory for all examples referenced in our documentation.

  2. Configure the environment as follows.

    pingctl config
    1. Respond to all configuration questions, accepting the defaults if uncertain. Settings for custom variables aren't needed initially but may be necessary for additional capabilities.

    2. All responses are captured in your local ~/.pingidentity/config file. Allow the configuration script to source this file in your shell profile (for example, ~/.bash_profile in a bash shell).

  3. [Optional] Export configured pingctl variables as environment variables

    1. Modify your shell profile (for example, ~/.bash_profile in a bash shell) so that the generated source ~/.pingidentity/config command is surrounded by set -a and set +a statements.
    set -a
    # Ping Identity - Added with 'pingctl config' on Fri Apr 22 13:57:04 MDT 2022
    test -f '${HOME}/.pingidentity/config' && source '${HOME}/.pingidentity/config'
    set +a
    1. Verify configured variables are exported in your environment.
      1. Restart your shell or source your shell profile.
      2. Run `env | grep 'PING'`
  4. To display your environment settings, run:

    pingctl info
  5. For more information on the options available for pingctl see Configuration & Environment Variables.