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Ping Identity DevOps Docker Image - pingauthorizepap

This docker image includes the Ping Identity PingAuthorize Policy Editor product binaries and associated hook scripts to create and run a PingAuthorize Policy Editor instance.

  • pingidentity/pingbase - Parent Image

    This image inherits, and can use, Environment Variables from pingidentity/pingbase

  • pingidentity/pingdatacommon - Common Ping files (i.e. hook scripts)

Environment Variables

In addition to environment variables inherited from pingidentity/pingbase, the following environment ENV variables can be used with this image.

ENV Variable Default Description
PING_PRODUCT PingAuthorize-PAP Ping product name
LICENSE_DIR ${PD_LICENSE_DIR} PD License directory. This value is set from the pingbase dockerfile
LICENSE_FILE_NAME PingAuthorize.lic Name of license File
LICENSE_SHORT_NAME PingAuthorize Short name used when retrieving license from License Server
LICENSE_VERSION ${LICENSE_VERSION} Version used when retrieving license from License Server
MAX_HEAP_SIZE 384m Minimal Heap size required for PingAuthorize Policy Editor
STARTUP_COMMAND ${SERVER_ROOT_DIR}/bin/start-server The command that the entrypoint executes in the foreground to instantiate the container
STARTUP_FOREGROUND_OPTS --nodetach The command-line options to provide to the the startup command when the container starts with the server in the foreground. This is the normal start flow for the container
STARTUP_BACKGROUND_OPTS The command-line options to provide to the the startup command when the container starts with the server in the background. This is the debug start flow for the container
KEYSTORE_FILE Location of the keystore file containing the server certificate. If left undefined, the SECRETS_DIR will be checked for a keystore. If that keystore does not exist, the server will generate a self-signed certificate.
KEYSTORE_PIN_FILE Location of the pin file for the keystore defined in KEYSTORE_FILE. You must specify a KEYSTORE_PIN_FILE when a KEYSTORE_FILE is present. This value does not need to be defined when allowing the server to generate a self-signed certificate.
KEYSTORE_TYPE Format of the keystore defined in KEYSTORE_FILE. One of "jks" or "pkcs12". If not defined, the keystore format will be inferred based on the file extension of the KEYSTORE_FILE, defaulting to "jks".
TAIL_LOG_FILES ${SERVER_ROOT_DIR}/logs/authorize-pe.log ${SERVER_ROOT_DIR}/logs/management-audit.log ${SERVER_ROOT_DIR}/logs/policy-db.log ${SERVER_ROOT_DIR}/logs/setup.log ${SERVER_ROOT_DIR}/logs/start-server.log ${SERVER_ROOT_DIR}/logs/stop-server.log Files tailed once container has started
REST_API_HOSTNAME localhost Hostname used for the REST API (deprecated, use PING_EXTERNAL_BASE_URL instead)
DECISION_POINT_SHARED_SECRET 2FederateM0re Defines the shared secret between PAZ and the Policy Editor
PING_ENABLE_API_HTTP_CACHE true When set to false, disables the default HTTP API caching in the Policy Manager, Trust Framework, and Test Suite
PING_POLICY_DB_SYNC When set to true, the container uses the provided policy database admin credentials to either create a PostgreSQL policy database or upgrade it if it already exists. You must also provide the PING_DB_CONNECTION_STRING, PING_DB_ADMIN_USERNAME, PING_DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD PING_DB_APP_USERNAME, and PING_DB_APP_PASSWORD variables for this to work.
PING_DB_CONNECTION_STRING jdbc:h2:file:./Symphonic;ALIAS_COLUMN_NAME=TRUE The JDBC connection string used to connect to the policy database. Use the format jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<database>. Only H2 embedded files and PostgreSQL are supported.
PING_DB_ADMIN_USERNAME sa The database administration username to use when creating or upgrading a policy database.
PING_DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD Passw0rd The database administration password to use when creating or upgrading a policy database.
PING_DB_APP_USERNAME pap_user The username that the Policy Editor should use when accessing the policy database during server runtime.
PING_DB_APP_PASSWORD Symphonic2014! The password that the Policy Editor should use when accessing the policy database during server runtime.

Ports Exposed

The following ports are exposed from the container. If a variable is used, then it may come from a parent container


Running a PingAuthorize Policy Editor container

A PingAuthorize Policy Editor may be set up in one of two modes:

  • Demo mode: Uses insecure username/password authentication.
  • OIDC mode: Uses an OpenID Connect provider for authentication.

To run a PingAuthorize Policy Editor container in demo mode:

  docker run \
           --name pingauthorizepap \
           --env PING_EXTERNAL_BASE_URL=my-pap-hostname:8443 \
           --publish 8443:1443 \
           --detach \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_USER \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY \
           --tmpfs /run/secrets \

Log in with:

  • https://my-pap-hostname:8443/
    • Username: admin
    • Password: password123

To run a PingAuthorize Policy Editor container in OpenID Connect mode, specify the PING_OIDC_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT and PING_CLIENT_ID environment variables. To provide scopes other than the default (oidc email profile), specify the PING_SCOPE environment variable:

  docker run \
           --name pingauthorizepap \
           --env PING_EXTERNAL_BASE_URL=my-pe-hostname:8443 \
           --env PING_OIDC_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT=https://my-oidc-provider/.well-known/openid-configuration \
           --env PING_CLIENT_ID=b1929abc-e108-4b4f-83d467059fa1 \
           --env PING_SCOPE="oidc email profile phone" \
           --publish 8443:1443 \
           --detach \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_USER \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY \
           --tmpfs /run/secrets \

Note: If both PING_OIDC_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT and PING_CLIENT_ID are not specified, then Docker sets up the PingAuthorize Policy Editor container in demo mode.

Log in with:

  • https://my-pap-hostname:8443/
    • Provide credentials as prompted by the OIDC provider

Follow Docker logs with:

docker logs -f pingauthorizepap

Specifying the external hostname and port

The Policy Editor consists of a client-side application that runs in the user's web browser and a backend REST API service that runs within the container. So that the client-side application can successfully make API calls to the backend, the Policy Editor must be configured with an externally accessible hostname:port. If the Policy Editor is configured in OIDC mode, then the external hostname:port pair is also needed so that the Policy Editor can correctly generate its OIDC redirect URI.

Use the PING_EXTERNAL_BASE_URL environment variable to specify the Policy Editor's external hostname and port using the form hostname[:port], where hostname is the hostname of the Docker host and port is the Policy Editor container's published port. If the published port is 443, then it should be omitted.

For example:

  docker run \
           --name pingauthorizepap \
           --env PING_EXTERNAL_BASE_URL=my-pap-hostname:8443 \
           --publish 8443:1443 \
           --detach \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_USER \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY \
           --tmpfs /run/secrets \

Changing the default periodic database backup schedule and location

The PAP performs periodic backups of the policy database. The results are placed in the policy-backup directory underneath the instance root.

Use the PING_BACKUP_SCHEDULE environment variable to specify the PAP's periodic database backup schedule in the form of a cron expression. The cron expression evaluates against the container timezone, UTC. Use the PING_H2_BACKUP_DIR environment variable to change the backup output directory.

For example, to perform backups daily at UTC noon and place backups in /opt/out/backup:

  docker run \
           --name pingauthorizepap \
           --env PING_EXTERNAL_BASE_URL=my-pap-hostname:8443 \
           --env PING_BACKUP_SCHEDULE="0 0 12 * * ?" \
           --env PING_H2_BACKUP_DIR=/opt/out/backup \
           --publish 8443:1443 \
           --detach \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_USER \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY \
           --tmpfs /run/secrets \

Creating and upgrading a PostgreSQL policy database

Although the Policy Editor uses an embedded H2 file for its policy database implementation by default, it also has the capability to use a PostgreSQL database. However, this database must first be initialized with database objects.

Set the PING_POLICY_DB_SYNC environment variable to true, provide the PostgreSQL JDBC connection string in PING_DB_CONNECTION_STRING, the database administration credentials through PING_DB_ADMIN_USERNAME and PING_DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD, and the server runtime credentials through PING_DB_APP_USERNAME and PING_DB_APP_PASSWORD to indicate that pingauthorizepap should create the necessary policy database objects.

Similarly, use the same environment variables with the same values when a new version of the application is released. pingauthorizepap will use the database administration user to perform any necessary upgrades to the database objects.

In both scenarios, the database administration user and the server runtime user must exist and be able to sign into the PostgreSQL server. In the create scenario, the database administration user must be able to create databases. In the upgrade scenario, the database administration user must own the database objects. Therefore, it is advisable to continually provide the same administration credentials during creation and upgrades to prevent permissions issues.

For example, assume that a system administrator has created a PostgreSQL username pap_admin that can sign into a PostgreSQL server hosted at and listening on port 5432. They have also created the runtime user pap_user.

To create the database objects under the database named my_pap_db and start the Policy Editor, use the following command:

  docker run \
           --name pingauthorizepap \
           --env PING_EXTERNAL_BASE_URL=my-pap-hostname:8443 \
           --env PING_POLICY_DB_SYNC=true \
           --env PING_DB_CONNECTION_STRING=jdbc:postgresql:// \
           --env PING_DB_ADMIN_USERNAME=pap_admin \
           --env PING_DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=2FederateM0re \
           --env PING_DB_APP_USERNAME=pap_user \
           --env PING_DB_APP_PASSWORD=2FederateM0re \
           --publish 8443:1443 \
           --detach \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_USER \
           --env PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY \
           --tmpfs /run/secrets \

Use the same command when a new pingauthorizepap release requires an upgrade to the policy database schema.

Note that PING_DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD and PING_DB_APP_PASSWORD are only provided on the command line for illustrative purposes and can instead be provided through a Vault or through a /run/secrets .env file.

Docker Container Hook Scripts

Please go here for details on all pingauthorizepap hook scripts

This document is auto-generated from pingauthorizepap/Dockerfile

Copyright © 2025 Ping Identity Corporation. All rights reserved.