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Deploy Ping DevOps Charts using Helm

To use Ping Identity Helm charts for deployment to Kubernetes, go to the Getting Started page for the Helm chart repository to configure your system to run Helm. Afterward, continue on this page for examples illustrating how to deploy various scenarios from the charts.

Notification of new releases

If you want to be notified when a new version of the chart is released, see the Orchestration/Helm/Kubernetes section of the FAQ page for instructions on following the GitHub repository for our chart.

Ingress with the local K8s cluster

If you want to run these examples on the local kind cluster created as outlined on the Deploy a local Kubernetes cluster page with ingresses, see this page for ingress configuration instructions. Otherwise, you can port-forward to product services.

Helm Chart Example Configurations

The following table contains example configurations and instructions to run and configure Ping products using the Ping Devops Helm Chart.

Config Description .yaml Notes
Everything Example with most products integrated together everything.yaml
Ingress Expose an application outside of the cluster ingress.yaml Update line 7 with your domain
RBAC Enable RBAC for workloads rbac.yaml
Vault Example vault values section vault.yaml
Vault Keystores Example vault values for keystores vault-keystores.yaml
PingAccess PingAccess Admin Console & Engine pingaccess-cluster.yaml
PingAccess & PingFederate Integration PA & PF Admin Console & Engine pingaccess-pingfederate-integration.yaml
PingFederate PingFederate Admin Console & Engine pingfederate-cluster.yaml
PingFederate Upgrade PingFederate See .yaml files in pingfederate-upgrade
PingDirectory PingDirectory Instance pingdirectory.yaml
PingDirectory Upgrade PingDirectory Upgrade with partition See .yaml files in pingdirectory-upgrade-partition
PingDirectory Backup and Sidecar PingDirectory with periodic backup and sidecar pingdirectory-periodic-backup.yaml
PingDirectory Archive Backup to S3 (Demo Only) Archive PingDirectory backup to S3 Sample files in s3-sidecar
PingDirectory Scale Down Scale Down a PingDirectory StatefulSet See .yaml files in pingdirectory-scale-down
PingAuthorize and PingDirectory PingAuthorize with PAP and PingDirectory pingauthorize-pingdirectory.yaml
Entry Balancing PingDirectory and PingDirectoryProxy entry balancing See .yaml files in entry-balancing
PingCentral PingCentral pingcentral.yaml
PingCentral with MySQL PingCentral with external MySQL deployment pingcentral-external-mysql-db.yaml
Simple Sync PingDataSync and PingDirectory simple-sync.yaml
PingDataSync Failover PingDataSync and PingDirectory with failover pingdatasync-failover.yaml
Cluster Metrics Example values using various open source tools See .yaml files in cluster-metrics
PingDataConsole SSO with PingOne Sign into PingDataConsole with PingOne pingdataconsole-pingone-sso.yaml
Using CSI Volumes Mount secrets with CSI volumes csi-secrets-volume.yaml
Splunk logging sidecar Forward product logs to splunk See files in the splunk folder
ImagePullSecrets (individual) Provide secret for private registry authentication image-pull-secrets-individual.yaml Replace stubs with your values
ImagePullSecrets (global) Provide global secret for private registry authentication image-pull-secrets-global.yaml Replace stubs with your values

To Deploy

helm upgrade --install myping pingidentity/ping-devops \
     -f <HTTP link to yaml>


helm uninstall myping